CH Wet Acres Moonshine JH

2003 - 2007
What can we say about Rugby. He was everything we expected and so much more. He gave everything he had to everything he did. He was one of a litter of 15.
When he was 11 months old, he showed us what he was capable of and a glimpse of the future. In one month, he received a prize I with a score of 112 out of 112 on his Natural Ability test with NAVHDA. He also passed two legs of his Junior Hunter in the same month. And to cap it off, got his first major in his first show over his father.
He had an intensity that was amazing. When not competing or performing, he was a big clown. But you take him into the confirmation ring, or turn him loose to hunt, and another dog showed up. He was all business, with his tail just a wagging. In his show career, he had 59 Best of Breeds and 4 group placements. In two calendar years of being lightly specialed he ended up being ranked #3 in Breed points both years. One of his greatest wins, was the day after the specialty in New York. He won the breed that day and went on to a Group 4.
He was invited twice to Westminster and went both times. On his first outing, he won the Award of Merit. He was so young at the time, that we just could not believe it. He never did mind the crowds at Westminster. It just meant more people to love on him and for him to love on. His favorite time was to go into the basement of the Pennsylvania hotel. Down there they had all of these treadmills set up for display. One thing about it, he loved a treadmill. He would just about pull your arm out of socket to get onto one. They even had him using one on the local television stations.
In spite of all of his accompishments, most of all, he was a great companion, with a super personality.
We will always love him.
Rugby Facts:
Date of Birth: 15 December, 2003
Finished 3rd in conformation for 2006 & 2007.
Award of Excellence at 2006 Westminster Kennel Club Show.
Had 4 group placements. 1 Group 2, 1 Group 3 and 2 Group 4’s.
23.5 inches at the withers (59.7 cm), 65 pounds.
Hips OFA Good.
Passed Junior Hunter in 4 straight passes. 112 out of 112 points for a Prize I on the Natural Ability Test with NAVHDA.
Sired our B and C litters.