Breeding a Litter
At Bear Hug, we breed each litter with the intent of providing to you a dog that will do anything you want it to do and look good doing it. We breed for form and function.
We health test our dogs checking their hips, elbows, eyes, hearts, and thyroid. We also genetically test. All results are available upon request.
We hunt all of our dogs, and hunt test them with the AKC and NAVHDA. We also show them to their conformation Championships, and some beyond. Our dogs and puppies have excelled in all these venues.
But most of all we look to provide you with a loving companion that can and will do anything with you that you desire to achieve.
As puppies we expose them to many different situations and experiences before they leave and constantly evaluate their temperaments, bidability and structure.
Puppy Application Details

We have decided to change our puppy application procedures. In the past we would ask for an email from you expressing your interest, what you were looking for in a puppy and facts about yourself. We would use these emails as our waiting list. Now we are only going to consider interest in a litter after we have confirmed pregnancy and will have a litter. As our breeding has slowed down and our availability of puppies decreases, we do not want to maintain a waiting list and give interested puppy owners false hope in getting a puppy in the near future.
What we will do is post a notification of a litter on our webpage, facebook page and instagram account. Once the litter announcement is posted we will take inquiries about the puppies and send out applications to those who contact us at that time. We do plan on breeding in the future, so please keep checking these sources.

Litter Guaranties and Details
We provide the following with each puppy:
Health guarantee against any inheritable disease or defect. At this time we will only offer a full refund of the price of the puppy.
We register the puppy with the AKC for you. This will usually be done before you leave with the puppy, so please have a name ready at the time of pickup.
We register the entire litter with the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA). This will be done after all puppies are picked up from the litter and we will mail these registrations to you.